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All we need is your First Name and Email we contact you as soon as possible!

Are we a good fit?

Most frequent questions and answers.

We service a 200 Mile radius around Rapid City, SD. Click here to see a map of our service areas.

Yes, Our Employees arrive 15 min early to every job start time. This way our customers aren’t waiting on us to close for the night. Most customers do not stay with our team after we arrive. They trust us to stay in their establishment and do the work. We always follow their requested lock up procedure when we leave. We make sure everything is back in its place as it was before we leave.

We do not clean on or near fan motors, remove their covers, or touch them in any way. We do not break or fix them. If both sides of the exhaust fan blades aren’t cleaned regularly it can cause the fans to run out of balance before or after cleaning. This will eventually burn out the motors. A 4” fan access panel is required per NFPA 96 Code to accomplish cleaning both sides of the fan blades. If we see anything in need of repair, we will send you photos with our follow up email/call.

When finding damaged or inaccessible equipment (such as fans without hinge kits, fan blade access ports, fan grease containment systems, we will provide you with our personal recommendations to getting repairs or other work done.

The price varies depending on the amount of hours it takes to clean your system. You can always schedule a Free Estimate!

Our industry is controlled by fire code (NFPA 96) and health code. The fire code does have a guideline for frequency they suggest though based off grease production and type of restaurant.


Customer Testimonials

Google Review "When it comes to our customers restaurants we trust these guys to clean up!"
Facebook Review "I've known Dusty for over 20 years and can state with absolute confidence that his work ethic and integrity are exceptional and of the highest caliber."